14.293,75 TL
Stok Kodu
Garanti Süresi
24 Ay
326,15 USD + KDV
*4.058,00 TL den başlayan taksitlerle!!
PerformansMaksimum video çözünürlüğüThis is the maximum resolution of video images. Resolution is a measure of the degree of detail visible.4096 x 2160 PikselMaksimum çerçeve hızıThis is the maximum frame rate, also known as frame frequency and frames per second (FPS). It is the frequency (rate) at which an imaging device produces unique consecutive images called frames. The term applies equally well to film and video cameras, computer graphics, and motion capture systems. Frame rate is most often expressed in frames per second (FPS) and is also expressed in progressive scan monitors as hertz (Hz).90 fpsKamera HD tipiFull HD kalitesiYakalama hızınde çözünürlük1280x720@30fps, 1280x720@60fps, 1920x1080@30fps, 1920x1080@60fps, 4096x2160@30fpsDesteklenen video modlarıThe video modes that can be displayed by the device.1080pOto fokusDevice focusing a camera or other piece of equipment automatically.Dijital zumIndicates the digital zoom capacity, the number of times that the picture is enlarged thanks to digital technology.5xDiyagonal görüş alanı90°Ayarlanabilir görüş alanıGörüş alanı modları miktarı3TasarımDahili mikrofonMicrophone that is found inside the product.Mikrofon adedi2Mikrofon idare tipiYönsüzStandart bağlantıInterface ports to connect pieces of equipment. USB (Universal Serial Bus) has become the most popular wired interface to connect peripherals. USB 2.0 supports speeds up to 480 Mbit/s (USB 1: 12 Mbit/s). The interface FireWire is also known as the IEEE 1394 standard. Enhanced IDE (EIDE)is sometimes referred to as Fast ATA, Fast IDE or ATA-2.USB 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1)Ürün rengiThe colour e.g. red, blue, green, black, white.SiyahSabitleme tipiType of mounting e.g. wall mounting.KlipDahili flaşThe product has an internal flash. A flash produces a brief very bright light, used for taking photographs in poor light.İletişim LED göstergeleriAğırlık & boyutlarGenişlikThe measurement or extent of something from side to side.102 mmAğırlık & boyutlarDerinlikThe distance from the front to the back of something.27 mmYükseklikThe measurement of the product from head to foot or from base to top.27 mmAğırlıkWeight of the product without packaging (net weight). If possible, the net weight is given including standard accessories and supplies. Please note that sometimes the manufacturer leaves out the weight of accessories and/or supplies.63 gAmbalajlama bilgisiMiktarThe number of products there are.1Ambalaj tipiThe type of product package e.g. box.KutuAmbalaj genişliğiThe distance from one side of the packaging to the other.82 mmAmbalaj derinliğiThe distance from the front to the back of the packaging.140 mmAmbalaj yüksekliğiThe distance from the top to the bottom of the packaging.137 mmPaket ağırlığıWeight of the packaged product.401,8 gPaket içeriğiLCD kıskacıLaptop kıskacıLojistik veriUyumlu Sistem (HS) kodu85258900Ana karton genişliği170 mmMastır karton uzunluğu286 mmAna karton uzunluğu283 mmMastır karton ağırlığı3,56 kg
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